Meet Kayla
I grew up in a small town on a cow farm. I lived in trailers and manufactured homes. I would get up early to feed the cows and various other animals then go to school. I weeded gardens, washed dishes, and drove tractors all before the age of seven. I shopped at secondhand stores and on occasion sewed my own clothes. I learned responsibility, how to be tough and work hard. I learned dedication and humility. I graduated from high school, went to night school for college and have an Associate degree in accounting.
I have been a single mom for over thirty years. Being a single mom is a tough road and its given me two of my proudest accomplishments. I have two amazing kids that are huge part of who I have become.
I have been working in corporate America for over 27 years. I am no stranger to real problems or experiences. I have battled and overcome alcoholism. I learned the hard way how to cope with someone close that was going through a drug addiction - and I survived. I have even had a gun pointed at my head and much more.
I feel incredibly grateful to be here today to share this journey of hope with you. There were times I wondered why I survived some of the horrible things that happened. I had forgotten how to have hope and use it to my advantage. Now, because of this incredible day of hope process, which you can learn about on the Day of Hope page, I know exactly why I am here. I have been through some eye opening and unimaginable situations in my past, and a day of hope is my passion now.
Back then in my life, I did not know why I did not feel like I was worthy of taking time for just me. I would think, “Who do I think I am putting myself over others?” I gave into my own insecurities and did not think I was amazing. I would tell myself, “I am not special, and I don’t deserve to be happy.” I convinced myself I had failed at several situations in my life. I needed to make others happy, not me. I kept telling myself, “Happiness is for someone else”. I had the mindset that I was trailer trash and not worthy. I have changed that statement now to, I am a trailer treasure. I have learned we all have the right to be happy, and focus on ourselves, no matter who we are or where we came from. I created a day of hope and have been incorporating it into my life for over 12 years. Why? Because I am worth it, and so are you.
I am the CEO of my own life, and I am creating a business I love that will help others grow and find their forgotten hope.
My mission is to help others find forgotten hope using only one day a month. To help you get from being overworked, strung out, always doing for others, and not finding time for yourself, to doing what you want and changing your outlook on life. Help you Figure out what’s important to you and believe in your dreams again. There are 365 days in a year, and I want you to see how taking one day a month, or 12 days a year, just for you will help you reduce stress and feelings of helplessness. It’s not what anyone else wants you to do, or needs you to do, it’s just you. What do you really want? I have been taking a day of hope for myself for over 12 years and I have lots of life experience in this area. I have learned a thing or two and I want to share it with you. I have made, and will make, mistakes. I will never be perfect, nor do I want to be, but I love to learn new ways and approaches to do things differently and get results that last. This day of hope is a fun simple idea with big benefits.
My vision is to help others see they are worthy of hope. Everyone is born worthy. Sometimes we forget that we are worthy and 100% capable of anything we want, and we tend to live small. We don’t see hope for our future. I want to help you see what’s possible for you.
My top three values include the following:
Empowerment - The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights. I want to empower myself and others to be the best version of themselves.
Kindness – The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. I want to be kind to myself first and foremost. Forgive myself and have compassion for my mistakes and be able to celebrate my wins no matter how big or small. I want to be generous in sharing these ups and downs with others to help them use kindness for themselves.
Wisdom - The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise. Wisdom to me means learning from your mistakes. Taking situations both good and bad and realizing that wisdom comes from what you learn from it, and how you take that knowledge and propel your future forward.