Day of Hope
Quote: “Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Welcome! Thank you for being here and spending your quality time reading this. A day of hope is about taking back your life and finding forgotten hope using only one day a month.
A day of hope is one day, or a full 24 hours, for you. Yes, just you. A day to do whatever you want, whenever you want, and however you want. On this one day you get to choose everything. You get to oversee what you do. You don’t have to worry about what anyone else wants or what anyone else thinks you should do. One full day to fuel up on what you want and need. It may not sound like a lot at first, but it’s likely more than you already get!
There are 365 days in a year – and you are choosing 12. You can put a lot of thought into it, or none at all. You just need one day a month to spend doing what you want to do and what fuels your fire, even if you do not know what it is yet. It will transform your life and fill it with hope and love for yourself. It will give you the tools to be the best person you want to be.
You are most likely thinking, “it cannot be that simple.” You might think, “this is crazy.” To you I say, “if what you are doing now is working then keep doing it.” If by chance, you want to try something fun and get different results in life, then keep reading!
Are you ready to change things up and become the real rock star I know is inside of you somewhere? I am talking to “You”. She or he is in there.
Choosing Your Own Special Day Of Hope
Your special day of hope each month can be any day or any number during the month. Most people who are incorporating a day of hope find using their favorite number works best as it’s easy to remember. I chose my favorite number, which is 13.
What if your favorite number is higher than the number on a calendar? I have a solution one of my friends uses. Her favorite number is forty-four, so she divided it in two. Her day of hope is the twenty-second of each month. My friend, Idgie, does something when there is a full moon each month. My sister Sally does the last Friday of each month. Some people do the first Saturday each month.
Maybe you just want to choose one day a month, on a different day each month, so you have the freedom to change it up. You can pick your favorite number or get creative and do something else. Choose whatever works for you but pick one day a month. You are the one making the rules. You are focusing on twelve days to spend on you.
Now find a quiet spot with no distractions, grab some paper, and pen or get in front of your computer or cell phone. Whatever your technology or paper choice is and pick your life changing day of hope each month. I am excited for you.