Helping people find forgotten hope

About Kayla

Hi, I am Kayla.

I have lots of ambition and I am very dedicated to my passion and purpose which is to help other middle aged, self-sufficient working moms find their forgotten hope. What is forgotten hope? Forgotten hope is when you feel like you have lost yourself. Like time is passing you by and you’re unable to see yourself in the overwhelming swirl of this crazy life.

So many other things have taken over your time and your zest for life; Kids, family, relationships, work and so on. You feel like self-care is only for others. You have forgotten how to feel hope and passion for yourself. It’s in you; It’s just buried and forgotten. Finding that hope again will reduce the feeling of helplessness, improve your quality of life, and take away your stress. I have achieved this by creating and incorporating what I call, A Day of Hope.

I have been successful at working in Corporate America for over half my life and I am now looking forward to owning my own business. I am the founder and CEO of Hopes Highways, empowering women to empower themselves. A Day of Hope will be one of the many highways available in the Hopes Highways Company.

I am excited to have you along on my journey and show you how one day per month can transform your life and reclaim forgotten hope.  

Highway Theme

I use the analogy of a highway. This is the Highway of Hope. Think about when you are driving down a highway and you can’t see where the road goes. You can’t see more than two hundred feet in front of you. You may not see where your interchange is or where the road leads. You have hope and a little faith to know the road is there - you just keep driving. You don’t second guess yourself or talk yourself out of it - you just keep driving. If the GPS says you are on the right road, you must be right - you just keep driving. It’s the same for life. I like to think of A Day of Hope as the GPS in life. A way to recalculate and get back on track.

We all deserve to devote time to our own healing and explore loving ourselves. We would not be on this planet if we weren’t meant to accomplish something. We are all meant to be something no matter how big or small. We are all meant for our own individual greatness so let’s get started. Let’s get this vehicle on the road. 

On the highway of hope, you take several different Interchanges along the way, but you will always want to stay on your own highway of hope. Don’t look back in the rearview mirror. Stay on your one-way highway.

I have incorporated my days of hope in the Memoirs of Hope so you can see my personal stories and pictures to go along with them. Enjoy!

Day of Hope

One day a month, where you choose yourself.

We are all worth it. We would not be on this planet if we weren’t. We are all meant to be something no matter how big or small. We are all meant for our own individual greatness. 

Memoirs of Hope

The Memoirs of Hope are Kayla’s personal stories about her experiences on her Day of Hope.

This will help you generate ideas to create our own special Day of Hope.