Day of Hope #57

Wednesday September 13, 2017

Goal: Shop, Shred, Organize - Online Presence  

Quote: “Getting organized is a sign of self-respect.” – Gabrielle Bernstein

Today was all about taking time for the things we put off until we have to. I started off the day with steak and salad bar at Sizzler restaurant which is known for steak, seafood, and a great salad bar. Then I headed to the mall. Today I took time to shop. I hate shopping. If I must go to the mall I am in and out as fast as I can but today, I shopped for items we women hate to shop for.

I shopped for shoes, bras, underwear, socks, and Levi's. It was painful and exhausting, but it feels so great to have made time. Shout out to Katelin at Victoria secret who measured me correctly and gave me so many great options to choose from. She made it almost fun to get new bras. I bought three so that should last awhile. It does feel great to have clothes that actually fit. Ha!

Then as if that was not enough, I came home and took care of my ever-growing boxes of shredding piles and started changing my address on all the millions of items it's tied to. We have so many online passwords and emails. For me it gets overwhelming when it’s not cleaned up. I like to change my passwords each year on everything and get my shredding done when it piles up and get rid of junk emails. Whew! Exhausting day but so very productive. Feels great to have it done.

My lesson of hope: I think that being organized is a gift. I feel so accomplished when I get rid of the clutter, and I don’t have to worry about when it will get done. One less thing to worry about is one less thing.


Day of Hope #58


Day of Hope #56