Day of Hope #36

Sunday December 13, 2015

Goal: Create a vision board for 2016

Quote: “The bad news is that time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” – Michael Altshuler

Today was a great day. I was working on my vision board for the upcoming year. Each year I am excited to create a new one. I watched my vision board inspiring movies, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne and Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert.  I am not using my phone today. It’s turned off, so I can focus. In the coming year I will be working on my health, my finances, and writing my book about my day of hope. This will be a year of growing myself, and really focusing on what I want. I will be working on the hard stuff too. 

One of the things that brings me joy is watching sunsets. This coming year, I am going to search for the best sunset in Boise, Idaho. I plan to watch sunsets from different places around the city and choose thirteen of them. At the end of the year, I will pick my favorite. See my sunset blog for the finalist.

I also saw this idea of doing a gratitude jar. You take small pieces of paper and write down things you are grateful for each day, then put them in the jar. When you feel down, or that things are tough, you take out the papers to remind you how lucky you really are. I have a friend who is struggling with lost love and is also new to retirement. We are going to do this process together in the upcoming year. 

I also want to talk about my angel cards. My wonderful friend Idgie gave me a box of Angel cards. On the back of the box it states, Angels are inner companions. They help us look at the world in ways that infuse our lives and vitality and assist us to experience the deepest levels of understanding, creativity, and caring. Invite an Angel into your day. How great is that. 

I have my cards in a porcelain container. I mix them up and pick one in December. That angel becomes my word for the year that I need to work on. This year’s word is understanding.  When I need inspiration or lose track of what I need to focus on, I go back to the card. I also pick a card each week to work on for that particular week during the year. Sometimes, it’s a fun angel like relaxation or joy. Sometimes, it’s more in depth like patience or healing. 

I am also living in the most amazing house. A family that took me in and let me stay with them as I was going through my process to move or figure out a new life plan. Twist, they asked me to house sit for them for 18 months. The universe is really delivering. So many months ago, I was homeless. I believed it would all work out, and it did. They are leaving soon, so I went to church with them tonight to watch them sing in a concert for Christmas. It was a wonderful way to end my day of hope. 

My lesson of hope: No matter how big or small your dreams are, create some. Get them in front of you and visualize your dreams coming true. Suddenly, they will come true, and you will amaze yourself all the time. 


Day of Hope #37


Day of Hope #35