Day of Hope #37

Wednesday January 13, 2016

Goal: Clean up my online presence

Quote: “There are three types of people; #1-Inbox 0, #2-Inbox 13, #3-Inbox 13,313.” – Kayla Jones 

 I took the day off work and organized my online items. Not being organized frustrates me, and stresses me out, so taking time to get organized, for me, is such a relief. Painful, for a few hours, but it creates stress free days ahead.

I went through all my online accounts. I changed all my passwords, and I got rid of the accounts I don’t use any more. You know those accounts, from that one time you signed up for one off the wall website, for the perfect one-time birthday gift for someone. You have been getting that company’s emails for years. You just delete them, or ignore them, and have not ordered from them again. Yeah, those are gone. I also went through all my email folders and files. I got rid of all the old items from years past.

I am staying with friends also and need to clean up my boxes of paper files. I did a lot of shredding of documents that I had accumulated throughout the years. Also, the job I had for almost 20 years is coming to an end, in March. I need to get prepared. I had to research new insurance for doctor’s appointments, dental and vision. I need to decide if I will do Cobra extension, or just hope for the best. I know once I go back to work at a new company, I will be very busy learning new things. I won’t have time, so I am taking my day of hope to ease my mind a bit, and to help me feel prepared. Believe it, or not, that took all day. Just changing all the passwords on all the accounts took four hours. I feel so much better and ready to tackle the months ahead.

 My lesson of hope: Just taking one day, or just a few hours, can really help down the road. Everything is online these days and it’s tough to keep up, but organization is the key. I guess another solution would to be to move to somewhere that does not have internet. Is there is such a place.  


Day of Hope #38


Day of Hope #36