Day of Hope #75

Wednesday March 13 – Day of Hope #75

Goal: Find solitude during chaos

Quote: “Peace is not the absence of chaos or conflict but rather finding yourself in the midst of that chaos and remaining calm in your heart.”  - Unknown

I had all kinds of plans to do all sorts of things today. I was going to walk on the Greenbelt, do computer work, cleaning, and journaling. I, however, had to go into the office. I needed to complete the Board and Audit Committee reports that were due and had to go to work. I planned to leave the office at noon, but sadly did not get out until 6:00pm.

It was a long day working on PowerPoint reports, formatting them, and submitting them for approval. I had to wait around for other people to finish their items as well. It is ok, it’s my job, and I am very grateful for it, but sometimes you must go to work and adjust your plans.

It was still my Day of Hope, so I went out after work to Bricks Bar and Grill in Garden City, Idaho to have a drink and food. I ended up having a Bud light draft, Tomato juice, a burger, and fries. I took the evening to catch up on my journaling and just enjoyed the quiet and people watching. I did something productive if only for a few hours. I counted this day as a win. Even though I had to work, it turned out to be a wonderful day and I got lots of journaling done, which made me happy inside.

My lesson of hope: Detours happen, being open to changing plans and still enjoying time with myself, is a win in my eyes.


Day of Hope #76


Day of Hope #74