Day of Hope #77
Monday May 13 – Day of Hope #77
Goal: Take a chance on love
Quote: “A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams”. - unknown
This was a full weekend of hope. We went to Utah to help plant the garden. My father has always done a large garden and everyone chips in. It’s a great tradition for him.
On On my Day of Hope, I had taken a chance to love, and I moved in with my boyfriend. All my boxes were ready to be unpacked. I was unpacking, unloading and just taking the whole day to just relish the fact that I was letting myself be open to possibilities and not be afraid of what might happen. Just giving myself and someone else the chance for love.
I haven't had it too easily in this department and I really want to give this relationship a chance, so we took the relationship to the next level. He was out of town for work for a few days, so I got the whole house to myself. It’s a beautiful house that I made into a home. I spent all day with me, myself, and I. I was excited about the new adventure.
My lesson of hope: Life is short. No more being afraid to share the love I have inside of me with someone special.