Day of Hope #78

Thursday June 13 – Day of Hope #78

Goal: To accomplish a lot with no plan

Quote: “You don’t always need a plan, sometimes you just need to breath, relax, trust, let go and see what happens”. - unknown

If you have been reading my stories for a while you probably know that I am a planner. On this Day of Hope, that did not happen. I decided to go with whatever came up.  I slept in until around 9:00 AM. I did some unpacking from moving last month. I was hungry, so I decided to go to Starbucks for a Trenta half green half passion tea and a sandwich. I simply sat at Starbucks and ate, enjoyed the moment, taking my time. Then I decided to randomly go get a pedicure. It’s kind of fun to have no real schedule and do whatever I feel like doing. I found some new books to download from Audible, while getting a pedicure, to listen to when I went back home to continue unpacking.

The rest of the day I unpacked boxes and decorated the new house. I set a timer for two hours and 13 minutes, then I would stop and relax, watch a movie, then start up again for another two hours and 13 minutes.  By the end of the day, I had gotten a lot done. Since I took breaks for myself to relax in-between, I felt great. I took a nice Epsom salt bath in the big sunken tub to finish the day, then off to bed.

My lesson of hope: Having a day to do what I want to do is so amazing. I did some work, but it did not seem like work at all. This is true for life too. Taking breaks will help get you through.


Day of Hope #79


Day of Hope #77