Day of Hope #63

Tuesday March 13 – Day of Hope #63

Goal: Learn about online business and loaded French fries

Quote: “The best way to predict your future is to create it”. – Abraham Lincoln

Took the morning off work instead of the afternoon. I signed into my computer at home and what came up? A wonderful picture of the universe and the time stamp was March 13th at 7:13 AM. I did not plan that at all. It was totally random.

I am taking the morning off from my job to work on my new business and taking a business class online called B-School by Marie Forleo. It’s soooo good for creating a business in all areas. I just can’t get enough. So many great ideas and inspirations.

Then I had to go to work. We have board documents due, so I need to go in for a few hours. Later I went to dinner at a new place to try the french fries. The company I work for at the present time makes french fries and I created a health challenge for my department, which I will explain below in the bonus item. For the challenge we must go to restaurants that use our fries to earn points for the challenge. I had never been to this place; it is called Homestead in Eagle, Idaho. Great food and a fun atmosphere. I got loaded fries, and they were amazing.

My lesson of hope: Taking time to focus on the future and what I want in life will pay off. I can just feel it. Creating items in the present situations really helps to fuel my future self and give me hope.  

Bonus - Health and Wellness Challenge

I had this great idea to incorporate some of my ideas for my future business into my current business and I created a wellness challenge for the group at work. Since I made up the challenge everything had to do with the number 13. Both health items and wellness of the mind challenges. This turned out to be one of the best things we did, and it was so much fun. Everyone got into it, and it encouraged lots of team building. I ended up doing another one when we went through COVID as virtual challenges. I love doing creative things to get people motivated. Here is a summary of the weeks:

 Health and Wellness Challenge: 13 weeks

 Week One

Health - Water Challenge – Drink ½ your weight in water each day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Watch the eclipse (great as we went outside and watched it as a team) Super, Blue and Blood Eclipse of the moon all in one

 Week Two

Health - Do three sets of 13 pushups each day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Call a friend or family member you have not talked to in the last 30 days

 Week Three

Health – Swap one un-healthy item for a healthy one – eat this (healthy) instead of that (unhealthy) Eat less C.R.A.P.: (Carbonated drinks, Refined sugar, Artificial sweeteners & colors, Processed foods) Eat more F.O.O.D.: (Fruits & Veggies, Organic lean proteins, Omega 3 fatty acids, Drink water)

Wellness – Extra Credit – We did a building trivia to find different items in our new branded work building. 26 items of course as 13x2=26

Week Four  

Health – Eat a healthy breakfast each day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Try not to say, “I Can’t”. Every time you catch someone saying, “I Can’t” you get a point. Say Don’t instead

Week Five  

Health – Do 30 minutes of exercise each day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Watch the sunset each night for extra points

Week Six

Health – Do three sets of thirteen squats each day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Eat from the top ten foods list each day according to Lemons, broccoli, dark chocolate, potatoes, salmon, walnuts, avocado, garlic, spinach, beans

Week Seven

Health – Have an attitude of Gratitude, write on your work white board each day three things you are grateful for

Wellness – Extra Credit – Eat French fries from an establishment the serves our company fries

Week Eight

Health/Wellness – Watch your calories, take your weight and add zero on the end and that is how many calories you can eat per day. If you weigh 150 lbs. you must stay under 1,500

Week Nine

Health/Wellness – Watch your sugar intake. American Heart Association recommends that the maximum levels for men 37.5 grams per day and women 25 grams per day

Week Ten  

Health – Watch your sodium keep your sodium intake under 1,500/mg per day

Wellness – Extra Credit – Write three letters to three employees in the heath challenge who you enjoy working with and let them know why they make your working experience better

Also, let them know what you think is their number one strength. You can write a short note, a poem, a long letter or send a card

Week Eleven

Health – Watch your carb intake. Everyone is allowed 250/mg per day

Wellness - Extra Credit – Talk to or call someone you know that is 70 years or older and ask them three questions. Calling or talking face to face will count. No texting, emailing, Facebook or Snapchat, have an actual phone or in person conversation

Ask each person these three questions:

1.   What is one thing you regret not doing so far?

2.   What is one thing that you would tell your younger self if you could?

3.   What would you do with $1 million dollars?

Week Twelve

Health/Wellness – Watch some pre-selected wellness videos as a team; everyone as a team asks – “Did you learn anything from the videos”? “What surprised you about the videos”?

Week Thirteen

Health/Wellness – do the 12 health items from all the challenges all in one week 


Day of Hope #64


Day of Hope #62