Day of Hope #72

Thursday December 13 – Day of Hope #72

Goal: Focus on the road ahead

Quote: “Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life, because you become what you believe”.

- Oprah

Today was a much-needed day and it made me feel so thankful that I do my day of hope each month. Today was vision board day. I love taking time to reflect on my year and what goals and exciting things I have accomplished and dream up new ideas for the year to come.

2018 accomplishments were writing and getting the book moving forward and kept journaling my day of hope. Master the brown bag and take healthy lunches. Continued races and getting closer to my 13 half marathons before I'm 50. Practiced more gratitude. There was a picture of a girl with a red shirt and sweats on my vision board. Jumping in the air for joy and I accomplished that when I went to Canada with my sister on A Day of Hope number 67. This year I made a point to smile more and made that little girl inside me happy. Worked on my money goals and saving for my future.

My angel card I drew for the year ahead is tenderness. My main goals are hope and getting my business underway. Balance and working on life balance but heavy on the life side of things. Having the courage to live and love completely. Let go of any hurt past issues and just enjoy life.

I watched the movie The Secret, then wrapped some Christmas presents. Then I watched the movie Eat, Pray, Love. I do believe I am finally about to enter the love portion of the movie. Time will tell.

I have high hopes for next year in 2019 and plan to accomplish lots of things. Some of the great things I plan to accomplish in 2019 were creating more money and savings, getting more journaling done, focusing on hope and book writing, letting go of the past, traveling more, and becoming a strong, free, better version of myself.

My lesson of hope: Focusing on getting through my roadblocks and not looking in the rear-view mirror gets me excited for the road ahead.


Day of Hope #73


Day of Hope #71